[Virtual] 2024 United Nations World Oceans Day Celebration
Register for updates surrounding the VIRTUAL celebration of United Nations World Oceans Day (UN WOD) on Friday 7 June 2024.
By United Nations DOALOS
Date and time
June 7 · 11pm - June 8 · 2:30am JST
About this event
3 hours 30 minutes
This year's United Nations World Oceans Day (UN WOD) celebrates the theme ‘Awaken New Depths’.In celebration of the 2024 theme, the United Nations are joining forces with global policy-makers, scientists, managers, thought leaders, and artists to showcase how our relationship to the ocean needs to urgently change, since our efforts to date have only skimmed the surface. To motivate widespread momentum for the ocean, we need to awaken new depths.
”今年の国連世界海洋デー(UN WOD)は、「新たな深みを呼び覚ます」をテーマに開催される。2024年のテーマを記念して、国連は世界の政策立案者、科学者、経営者、思想的リーダー、芸術家らと力を合わせ、これまでの取り組みが表面しか見ていないため、海洋と私たちの関係を早急に変える必要があることをアピールする。海洋に対する機運を広めるためには、新たな深みを呼び覚ます必要がある。”
The virtual livestream celebration is free, open-to-the-public, and accessible worldwide to promote global engagement with vital ocean education. The annual event will take place on Friday 7 June 2024 and is hosted by the United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs (DOALOS) in partnership with Oceanic Global.
By registering for the event, you will be signed-up for important updates surrounding the 2024 celebration including announcements surrounding featured speakers, marketing materials for amplification and more!
If you would like to apply to register to attend the invite-only in person event at UN Headquarters, please fill out this form. Please note that application does not guarantee entry to the event at UN Headquarters.
Full program, speakers and performer lineup coming soon!
This registration is for virtual attendance (online access) only.
The Eventbrite registration does not provide access to attend the in-person event at UN Headquarters in New York.
Amplify the annual campaign and event with the official UN WOD Marketing Toolkit
Explore the UN WOD Events Calendar for updates surrounding global events (both virtual and in-person)
Enter the 2024 Photo Competition for UN World Oceans Day (closing date April 7th)
Host a UN WOD Screening (Virtual or In-person) with the UN WOD Screening Guide
・Eventbriteの登録では、ニューヨーク国連本部での直接イベントに参加することは できません。
・国連WOD公式マーケティング・ツールキットで年間キャンペーンとイベントを盛 り上げよう。
・UN WODイベント・カレンダーで、グローバル・イベント(バーチャル・イベント と対面イベントの両方)の最新情報を確認する。
・国連WOD上映ガイドを使って、国連WOD上映会(バーチャルまたは対面式)を開 催する。
Since its inception in 2008, United Nations World Oceans Day (UN WOD) has celebrated the ocean and its importance to the planet and our lives, while raising awareness about the many threats it faces. As the challenges to the ocean continue to grow, so does the need to understand and mobilize globally. Explore Previous Events
United Nations World Oceans Day is hosted by the United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs (DOALOS) in partnership with Oceanic Global.
For more information about this celebration, and others surrounding World Oceans Day, please visit www.UNWorldOceansDay.org or follow the event on Instagram @unworldoceansday.
”2008年の創設以来、国連世界海洋デー(UN WOD)は、海を讃え、地球と私たちの生活にとっての海の重要性を伝えると同時に、海が直面している多くの脅威についての認識を高めてきました。海洋に対する課題が増え続ける中、世界的な理解と結集の必要性も高まっている。過去のイベントを見る
この祭典や世界海洋デーを取り巻くその他のイベントについての詳細は、www.UNWorldOceansDay.org をご覧いただくか、Instagram @unworldoceansday でイベントをフォローしてください。”